Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Bhagwat Geeta rewritten (or rather re recited) for IT Professionals

Simply hillarious. I specially like the part where it talks about the never ending nature of error. Its like "Error is Forever". And also the footer askin everyone to Hurry Home at 5.30.
I have been what we call "benching" for the past 3 months and it was kindoff getting frustrating. But reading this new "An IT Professionals Bhagwat Geeta", i seem to have calmed down and have no qualms about sitting on bench anymore. :-p.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Life's losings its direction

I have just woken up from a deep slumber and am sitting in my gallery sipping a hot mug of coffee(which btw has not brewed the way i intended it to) and taking in the fresh morning air. Sipping the coffee, i cant stop wondering that even my life hasn't brewed the way i wanted it to. It just seems to be going nowhere. My job sucks, am away from the people close to me and i seem to have no idea what i want to do in future. And there's this sense of urgency that if i don't correct this right now, am going to be dissatisfied with life throughout. The search for that elusive thing, whose mere occurrence brings along with it a sense of pleasure still continues. Am still looking for something which i enjoy doing, something which am good at. I see people around me who are happy with the kind of mediocrity life has to offer and i wonder if ultimately even i will become one of them.I very strongly believe that we live just once and its very important to make this once worthwhile. Am not worried about the survival part, my parents have given me strong enough educational foothold that i can live my life very comfortably. What am worried about is being lost in this very crowd of people who want nothing more from life than a well paying job, a caring wife and loving children.
I understand that a lot of hard work goes into becoming someone, someone who stands away from the crowd. And am not averse to working hard. In fact it's something which i pine for. All i want is a definite direction (an understanding of which has to come from within). Everyday is a struggle to find that direction and i just hope this struggle ends before i lose my hunger.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Untitled (i cant think of a title for this post)

Bombay Rains, Bombay Girls
A book by Anirban Bose
Well i just finished reading this book (the first book i have read in one sitting..... i just could not put it down).It was labeled as a Medical College's version of Five Point Someone, which i very strongly beg to differ.I found it way better.
Anyways, i didn't intend to write about the book. The reason i decided to write this blog (at 5.30 in the morning), was that while reading the book, a deluge of emotions rushed through me.I was taken back to my college days (an engg. college btw) and kind off relived all the ups and downs i went through during those 4 years.I made friends, very good friends.....lost some....made friends with the lost one's again eventually losing them yet again. Its been for quite a while now that i have been fighting the urge to let these emotions out, always reassuring myself that it would do no good.
But i guess am done now.I have seen so many different shades of friendships that sometimes it makes me doubt my own credentials(for want of some other more apt word) as a good friend.
Have i been the kind of friend i expect my friends to be? Have i been true to them, and true to myself? And the answer is yes.I would not say that i have not hurt people, some very close to me, by my actions, but then that has never been the intent of the same. I find it extremely hard to give explanations to people who matter to me because i assume they are the ones who know me best and if i still have to give them explanations about my actions, whats the point of them being close.
I know am simply rambling, but its kinda tough to stop it.I have been hated, loathed, abhorred for the things i haven't even done or even ever thought of doing.
But then this is what life is i guess.At the end of it all, i still have a few very close people, whom i cherish to the utmost, who love me unconditionally, despite all my pitfalls and who ,i know ,shall always stand by my side. I just hope i can give back to them all this and even more.

the saying goes.....

  • I'm learning real skills that I can apply throughout the rest of my life ... Procrastinating and rationalizing.Calvin and Hobbes

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