Saturday, November 8, 2008

Untitled (i cant think of a title for this post)

Bombay Rains, Bombay Girls
A book by Anirban Bose
Well i just finished reading this book (the first book i have read in one sitting..... i just could not put it down).It was labeled as a Medical College's version of Five Point Someone, which i very strongly beg to differ.I found it way better.
Anyways, i didn't intend to write about the book. The reason i decided to write this blog (at 5.30 in the morning), was that while reading the book, a deluge of emotions rushed through me.I was taken back to my college days (an engg. college btw) and kind off relived all the ups and downs i went through during those 4 years.I made friends, very good friends.....lost some....made friends with the lost one's again eventually losing them yet again. Its been for quite a while now that i have been fighting the urge to let these emotions out, always reassuring myself that it would do no good.
But i guess am done now.I have seen so many different shades of friendships that sometimes it makes me doubt my own credentials(for want of some other more apt word) as a good friend.
Have i been the kind of friend i expect my friends to be? Have i been true to them, and true to myself? And the answer is yes.I would not say that i have not hurt people, some very close to me, by my actions, but then that has never been the intent of the same. I find it extremely hard to give explanations to people who matter to me because i assume they are the ones who know me best and if i still have to give them explanations about my actions, whats the point of them being close.
I know am simply rambling, but its kinda tough to stop it.I have been hated, loathed, abhorred for the things i haven't even done or even ever thought of doing.
But then this is what life is i guess.At the end of it all, i still have a few very close people, whom i cherish to the utmost, who love me unconditionally, despite all my pitfalls and who ,i know ,shall always stand by my side. I just hope i can give back to them all this and even more.


Anonymous said...

i read this at such a right time........its made it sink deeper in2 me hw imp it is 2 live life 4 those who care n not sit cryig 4 ppl who don care

Ankesh Grover said...

thanks for commenting, but i would really appreciate if you could use a name next time.

the saying goes.....

  • I'm learning real skills that I can apply throughout the rest of my life ... Procrastinating and rationalizing.Calvin and Hobbes

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