Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thoughts.....Fading away

dew wets the freshly awoken leaves and the air around fills with melodious chirpings. sun's crimson knocks on my window, letting me know its dawn...thats when i realize i have been up all night. with the battle between impending sleep and insomnia still continuing, i try to focus back on my thoughts...the thoughts that have kept me up all night...the thoughts that have troubled me quite often lately. but it becomes difficult to concentrate now...probably dwelling on something continously over a period of time slakes one's ability to think.....then very slowly, sleep starts to creep in, bringing along with it a tranquility that is way too overwhelming....i feel the subdued insomnia finally give in.... the eye-lids now no longer amenable to being kept open droop down with a silent thud. i let my body relax and adjust the cushion below my head......but wait....what about those thoughts...what about that turmoil.....a few more minutes of contemplation....of digging deeper.....of thinking them over just one last time....of ending the turmoil once for all......
naaahhhh.......who cares...theres always the next night......

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the saying goes.....

  • I'm learning real skills that I can apply throughout the rest of my life ... Procrastinating and rationalizing.Calvin and Hobbes

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